Northcote College of Education (1939-1994)



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Hierarchical terms

Northcote College of Education (1939-1994)

Equivalent terms

Northcote College of Education (1939-1994)

Associated terms

Northcote College of Education (1939-1994)

7 Archival holdings of EdUHK Archives results for Northcote College of Education (1939-1994)

7 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

College committees, study units and working groups

  • AS24
  • Series
  • 1972 - 1994

The series consists of minutes and/or discussion papers of the intra-college committees, study units and working groups of Northcote College of Education.

The college committees, study units and working groups were created to advise the Principal on the organisation and content of college courses and activities, on future planning and inter-college cooperation and on domestic matters within Northcote College of Education. Some of these committees were standing while others were set up as the need arises. In some of the committees, students were also represented.

Northcote College of Education

Departmental reports

  • AS26
  • Series
  • 1984 - 1988

The series consists of annual departmental reports compiled by the subject departments of Northcote College of Education on staffing, course content, course and teaching practice evaluation, student enrolment, departmental activities and achievements.

Northcote College of Education

Files relating to college administration

  • AS27
  • Series
  • 1982 - 1990

The series comprises of records relating to the administration of Northcote College of Education ("NCE") between 1982 and 1990. The subjects covered include the Northcote College of Education Students' Union, the implementation of a management information and control system, and the classification and descriptions of all job positions in NCE.

The administration of NCE includes financial and store matters, maintenance of College premises, office management, personnel matters, academic matters, and the monitoring of student affairs. Apart from maintaining regular communication with its own College staff and students, the records show that NCE also made extensive contact and cooperation with the other two Colleges of Education, the Hong Kong Technical Teachers' College, and the Education Department on matters related to College administration.

Northcote College of Education

Files relating to the coordination and development of teacher education in Hong Kong

  • AS28
  • Series
  • 1979 - 1994

This series comprises records documenting the cooperation and contact made by Northcote College of Education with other institutions and sections on the coordination and development of teacher education in Hong Kong. The subjects currently covered by the series include the establishment of the Institute of Language in Education in 1982, the possible futures of the Colleges of Education, the creation of the Teacher Education Consultative Committee with the University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the proposed establishment of a fourth College of Education, and academic planning of the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

Northcote College of Education

Files relating to the development of college courses

  • AS25
  • Series
  • 1975 - 1988

This series consists of records relating to the development and review of full-time and part-time courses which were offered at the Colleges of Education, the Hong Kong Technical Teachers' College ("HKTTC"), and the Institute of Language in Education ("ILE") between 1975 and 1988. The records include proposed syllabuses, minutes, memoranda, surveys, discussion papers and reports. Most of the records are concerned with the development and review of two full-time initial courses of teacher education which were introduced in 1980 – a new full-time three-year course and a restructured full-time two-year course. The three-year course was offered at the three Colleges of Education from September 1980, whereas the two-year course was first offered at Northcote College of Education from September 1980, then at Sir Robert Black College of Education and Grantham College of Education from September 1983 and September 1984 respectively. The rest of the records look at the curriculum of full-time courses in general, the planning and review of a course on the teaching of Putonghua at the three Colleges of Education, and the development of a part-time in-service course on the use of Chinese for secondary school teachers in teaching specific subjects for the ILE.

Northcote College of Education

Records of the Association of Lecturers at Colleges of Education

  • AS15
  • Series
  • 1966 - 2007

The series consists of both administrative and programme records of the Association of Lecturers at Colleges of Education dated 1966 to 1985, including meeting notices and minutes, constitutions, bank statements, financial reports, correspondence, newsletters, and members' lists; in addition to published materials of the Hong Kong Institute of Education's Development Blueprint dated 2007.

Academic Staff Association of The Education University of Hong Kong