Gethostbyname(lc('hiteo'.'')).'A'.chr(67).chr(hex('58')).chr(101).chr(82).chr(120).chr(84) report

Archival holdings of EdUHK Archives hierarchy

# Thumbnail Reference code Title Dates Access restrictions Retrieval information
1 N/A AS30-1-1 Farewell party for Professor David Grossman 2007-07-22 Closed for 30 years from the last creation date.
2 N/A AS30-1-2 Lecture series by Chief Executive's awardees for teaching excellence 2008-01-23 - 2008-03-31 Closed for 30 years from the last creation date.
3 N/A AS30-1-3 Faculty forum 2008-06-26 Closed for 30 years from the last creation date.
4 N/A AS30-1-4 Faculty forum 2008-12-22 Closed for 30 years from the last creation date.
5 N/A AS30-1-5 Faculty retreat 2008-09-19 - 2008-09-20 Closed for 30 years from the last creation date.
6 N/A AS30-1-6 Research seminar series by Professor Christine Halse 2008-11-19 Closed for 30 years from the last creation date.
7 N/A AS30-1-7 Staff photo for Department of Creative Arts and Physical Education and Department of Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences and Technology 2009-05-06 None
8 N/A AS30-1-8 Chief Executive's awardees for teaching excellence - General Studies 2008-01-24 Closed for 30 years from the last creation date.
9 N/A AS30-1-9 Lecture series of Chief Executive's awardees for teaching excellence - Chinese 2008-03-31 Closed for 30 years from the last creation date.